workshop: Workshop: Kali Linux and Metasploit for Beginners

Hacking in a Save Environment

As a gray/whithat hacker or as a member of a red/blue team? Kicking off your career in infosec. I will give you a head start with the basic tools of the trade (except from the often mentioned Rakija).

In two hours, we will explore Kali Linx and the metasploit toolkit with a few selected attacks and exploits to get you started with the tools. If I can set up a dedicated WiFi, we will even hack that! Try out brute-force attacks and password cracking in a save environment, whithout the threat of legal repercussions. Have fun while learning new stuff. And all for the price of the conference attendance fee!

+ Your own laptop with VirtualBox or VMware installed
+ Kali Linux installed in a vm
+ Optional: Metasploitable 3 VM installed or enough disk space available to install on site


Day: 2019-09-14
Start time: 17:00
Duration: 02:00
Room: Pupin


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